Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Instructions for Rethinking High Schools Presentations

Please read through the instructions to see if there are any questions.  We can discuss any points of confusion at the beginning of next week's class.

Click Here to access the Chapter Sign Up Sheet and a link to the Mediasite Sign Up sheet!!

Web-Based Jigsaw on Text Rethinking High Schools
There are two purposes to this project. The first is to very quickly and collaboratively cover the content of the course textbook Rethinking High School. You will learn the ways in which a unique high school in Chicago experienced implementing school wide changes to match best practices in teaching, learning, and leadership. The second is to creatively utilize technology to concisely convey the essence of each groups' assigned chapter(s).
As a small group, you will read, summarize, and synthesize 2 assigned chapters from the text, and prepare a 10 minute (max) web-based presentation. You will also create an assessment to allow colleagues to self-assess their learning and you to assess the effectiveness of your presentation.  Also, you will give your peers feedback on their projects in a discussion forum.
Part I
Individually, read Chapter 1, 13, and your assigned chapter(s).
Gather as a group to summarize and synthesize each chapter. You are invited to connect, critique, or extend the content as well.  Think in terms of Essential Questions that arise from your chapter(s).
Brainstorm, explore, imagine a way to present this information effectively, creatively, and engagingly using the CSUSM Mediasite. Yes, this instruction is to push your educational technology expertise.
Create a presentation for your chapter(s), that can be delivered via the web.

Create a web-based assessment for your presentation.
Part II
View the text's remaining chapters, complete each assessment, and then leave authentic feedback for at least 3 groups in a discussion forum on the Ning network CSUSM Educators.
Give thoughtful and authentic feedback to three peers. Examples would be requests for clarification, "I liked..." with further elaboration or extension, or process questions such as "why did you...", "what was the purpose of...", "Wow that was cool, how did you...".

Assessment:  Create a web-based assessment for your project.  Post the assessment on the CSUSM Educators ning network (I will show you how in class on Tuesday evening).


You will be scored in alignment with the two purposes. First, your website should represent the key ideas form your assigned chapters. Second, your project will successfully be displayed on 

Part I is to be completed by Feb 9 (posted online in some fashion, either a weblink or on your blog). Part II is to be completed prior to class on Tuesday, Feb. 16.

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