Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jan 26: Welcome to EDSS 530

This will be the blog for the EDSS 530 course. It is here where you will find the most up-to-date information regarding the course, due dates, assignments in progress, reflection topics, and maybe even a cheesy joke or two.  Not only is this the first time you have taken this course, it is also the first time that I will be teaching it, so I hope that we will go on this educational journal together!!

For tonight, we have a lot to cover in a small amount of time. . .I will do my best to make the most of our evening.

Some topics:

  • Introductions Me/You
  • Use of Technology in this course: -Gmail Account, GoogleDocs, iGoogle, RSS, Blog, Twitter, Delicious.com, ning network, Skype, drop.io/edss530, Facebook, etc.
  • Second to None - Bayside HS
  • Second to None - Video &  Discussion
  • Syllabus
  • Assignment Discussion/Best Practices HS Mediasite
  • Chapter 1 of Best Practices
I will also leave you with a question at the end of each weekly blog post to build community and to ensure you have read the blog.

This Week's Questions:  What is your fast food guilty pleasure?  (What do you eat that you know you probably shouldn't but do anyway. . .like a Chalupa from Taco Bell. . ."Not that there's anything wrong with that. . ."


  1. I like me a double double, animal style.

  2. I like a cheeseburger and fries from In n Out.

  3. I love Oreo milkshakes from Jack in the Box.

  4. double double animal style, and sometimes animal style fries!

  5. I like getting a 5x5 from In & Out with grilled onions.

  6. I think fast food is gross, honestly. When I'm done I usually feel eater's remorse.

  7. I hardly eat fast food. It's not in my budget. Ha! But Starbucks is always on my agenda so I'd consider that my guilty pleasure. :-p

  8. McDonalds fries: salty, guilty, deliciousness

  9. #20 (Supreme Croissant) from Jack in the Box.

  10. Chocolate Heath shake from Cold Stone and Carne Asada Chips from Santanas. Perfection.

  11. Double Double and fries from In-N-Out.

  12. 2 Hamburgers from In-&-Out burger. What can I say, it's a west coast thing.
