Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb 2: Will the Course Go on for Six more Weeks?

Okay, who is tracking the groundhog?  I wonder if Punxsutawney Phil will show his face this year. . .I'm not certain whether or not that means we will also have 6 more weeks of class or not. . .but it is fairly ironic, isn't it?

I really expected that the class would have accomplished more that it has (@ 10:25 pm, Monday, Feb 1) but perhaps we need some more time to discuss the assignment and the technology requirements.  I hope that everyone will bring her laptop and we can make some more progress in class.  If not, we will have to make a trip to the library or some reasonable facsimile, but I know that we will catsup. . .assuming everyone can cut the mustard ;-)
Check your blog address on the class website t ensure you can meet the minimum requirment... .]

Please remember that this course is a survey course for secondary education in the 21st Century. . .I want to push you to really evaluate your practice as well as utilize technology as a medium of the course content . . .and your class content. . .which I see as more important than the original goals of EDSS 530.

Tonight:  I will ensure that you understand how to complete the Rethinking High Schools chapter summaries. . . and how to post your projects to the class ning network. . .and how to do the assessment, etc.  We will also discuss the Ethnography and how it will work look as a finished project.

Important: I have posted the Intro and Chapter 1 of the book, "Disrupting Class," by Clayton Christensen.  I would be ecstatic if you could access the document on the page and bring a copy to class (only if you do not have a laptop).  PLEASE TELL YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS TO BRING TO CLASS. . .I am really interested to see how "Second to None" relates to current theories on learning and education. . . .
password:  what does Shaun White do for a living?

Week Two Question:  What is the best book you had to read in high school?  I am still stuck on "Catcher in the Rye," but perhaps I am being sentimental. . .


  1. Best book I read in high school was " Call of the Wild"

  2. I'm a sucker for Hemingway, especially The Sun Also Rises, probably because I've had to read it at least 10 times for different college courses (including Brit. Lit??)

  3. I really enjoyed "The Grapes of Wrath"

  4. I enjoyed the book "The Great Gatsby", for some reason I read it in a couple of my classes.

  5. I agree with you Randy, I also enjoyed "The Great Gatsby".

  6. I don't know...but I remember reading "To Kill a Mockingbird"

  7. "The Hotel New Hampshire" by John Irving is what opened the flood gates for me. Maybe not the best recommendation for all high school students but I liked it. It was NOT required reading. It's probably banned. There's a movie too.

  8. 1984 by Orwell. It started a ruckus within me. Perfect book for the kind of kid I was.

  9. The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough was one I liked (and one I actually remember).

  10. "To Kill a Mockingbird" - I think this was the only book I actually read.

  11. My favorite book in high school was the movie theater

  12. in all seriousness, I really liked Fahrenheit 451 or whatever degrees it was. I liked because the movie we watched after reading it was awesome.

  13. I really enjoyed To Kill a Mockingbird

  14. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, not exactly for class, but I was in high school.

  15. Best high school book has to be: "The Ugly American"

    I agree that "Catcher in the Rye" was a great book also, but I went to boarding school and did that whole east coast thing. "The Ugly American" on the other hand was a great short book. Each chapter was a short story which was interesting, entertaining and historical. You know how history teachers always try to introduce that 1 text which shows the opposing point of view of the loser of a war and how they would wrote their view/version of history. Well this book is full of those stories from the minority point of view which was historical. A short quick read which is well worth it. I wonder where my copy went now that I think about it.

  16. I remember enjoying "The Great Gatsby". I also remember having to read "Lord of the Flies" about 3 times, so I ended up getting so sick of that book!
