Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9: Final Face-to-Face Class Meeting

Phew, if I am exhausted, I can only image how you all feel ;-)  Between TPAs, coursework, observations, and classes where some struggle to find meaning, your heads must be spinning. . .Alas, our course is almost over!  I really believe you will all have fun tonight in Coronado.  You will get a chance to see someone who has a lot of experience doing the type of reform that we have discussed in class.

The final "assignment" will be on the drop.io site as well as put in visually below.  In order to use Embedit.in, all you need is a Google account, which you all have; to use Scribd, you will need to create an account or use Facebook to get an account.

I have posted a link to the class GradeBook on our blog.  I am using CSUSM ID numbers instead of names.
I will create Project Surveys for the Class Management/Discipline Project, Blog/Reading Reflection, and Class Attendance/Participation (attendance, blog post comments,  & Twitter use).  This allows me to not only get your take on the experience, but to give assignment feedback as well.  I honestly appreciate the feedback I have already received under the Rethinking Schools & Ethnography Surveys!!

I expect everything to be completed by next Tuesday @ midnight. . .see the instructions for the final. . .papers are due on your blogs Fri; peer comments/All surveys due Tuesday.

Final Question: What is the one thing that you learned in this class that you will take with you?


  1. The one thing that I will take with me is probably the community experiences - I found that it is more beneficial if students have outside experiences in their community, since they spend most of their time outside school there. In the case of technology, I enjoyed making my own video for the ethnography, so I would probably take that with me. It is easy to do!

  2. I one thing I learned that I will take with me is the variety of ways that I can use and incorporate technology into my own classroom, wheather it be through twitter, imovie, class blogs, prezi, google docs, etc. I think it is important to use technology in the classroom since it consumes our students lives. You have given me some clever ideas! Thanks

  3. I learned that technology tools are so abundant that you really need a group of people in communicating to stay abreast of all of the advances.

  4. Learning how to work cooperatively taught me the most. Group projects work best when members communicate. Teaching students communication skills will be important for me, especially when I assign group work.

  5. I learned how to use technology in my classroom, which is a valuable tool to have.

  6. I always have felt very comfortable with using tech in the class, I understand the necessity of teaching communities, and I get that students need a wide variety of classroom experiences. What I will take with me from this class is the affirmation of my beliefs that teaching/learning needs to be fun. Especially after our trip to Palm Academy and seeing the passion that Kevin has for his work, as well as hearing stories from Jeff. It is clear that the reason that both of these teachers still have the passion and motivation they do after many years in the field is that they have fun with what they do.

  7. I learned that this is the 21st century and that technology is present in the hearts and minds of my fellow colleagues, our students and probably the rest of the world. I need to adapt and learn to accomplish my career goals in education. See you all out there.

  8. I think the most important thing that I learned was that flexibility and adaptability are necessary in a graduate level course...which means it is even more necessary in a high school classroom. This class had more of a flow to it than the rigidity of most our others.

  9. The thing that I learned and will take away from this class is that technology is a great tool for allowing students to express themselves and share their thoughts and views with others. I liked that we had access to the blogs of our classmates so that we could see their reading refletions and know what they thought or took away from what we read.

  10. The best things I learned in this class were some great ways to use technology to keep in touch with my students, and that Twitter isn't so bad after all!

  11. The best things that I learned in class was the various ways to use technology not only in the classroom but for my benefit too in creating cool prezis for class lecture, or keeping in touch with colleagues.

  12. I learned that technology can be used in so many different ways to educate students of all ages. The projects that we completed easily could be done in our classrooms and engage our own students.

  13. I learned that it is impossible to stay on top of all the tech tools we can use. Yet, becoming proficient and using a few in my daily teaching will pay dividends. Now I just have to decide which the few are.........

  14. I will definitely take with the technology and networking strategies I have learned in this class. I think all of these strategies have tremendous potential, and I am excited to use them.

  15. I learned about the importance of a learning community from reading everyone's tweets from Twitter.

  16. I learned how important it is to keep up with technology. It keeps advancing and new things keep becoming available. If I do not pay attention to the technological world it will leave me in the dust.

  17. Two valuable lessons I will take from this class si the importance of creating a learning community and that technology, used correctly, can be a valuable asset in the classroom.

  18. The first thing that I will take away from this class is how important it is so create a learning community where every student feels connected and important. In addition, students respect themselves, fellow students and the teacher. The second thing that I will take away from this class is how to make mundane assignments more interesting by allowing students to use technology to complete them.
