Monday, March 8, 2010

Some Housekeeping. . .

What should be completed by class time Tuesday:

  1. Rethinking High Schools Project Survey (If you complete by 8am Tuesday morning I will give you your grade in class)
  2. Classroom Management/Discipline Survey & assignment (as of Mon afternoon, we only have 12; with 2 per student, I should have more than 40)
    1. Bring Teaching in Secondary Schools text to class Tuesday
    2. Either print survey data or bring laptop to be able to access the data!
    3. Read assignment instructions ; start to consider Your Classroom Expectations!
    4. Natural versus Logical Consequences . .good simple explanation.
      1. Natural Vs. Logical . . .more academic.
  3. Ethnographies should be added on CSUSM Educators
    1. Notes on Executive Summary (from last week's post): Written Executive Report that outlines the design of your study, major findings, and reflections on the process (shared with me via GoogleDocs or on class Ning)
    2. Title of your group should be school name and then my name, Heil
    3. Movies are embedded into the text box
    4. You can also paste your "executive summary" underneath the embed code of your movie OR you can embed a link to the summary on Google Docs (click "share" get link for this document.  Choose permissions, then use the link feature in the ning text editor to add the link!) 
    5. Please complete the Ethnography Project Survey linked at the top of the blog!
  4. Reading Reflections and Tweets should be up-to-date.  Reading Reflections:
      1. Ch 1 Rethinking HS (Week One RR post)
      2. Ch 1 Disrupting Class (Feb 9 post)
      3. "What Makes School Ethnographies Ethnographic?" (Feb 9 post)
      4. Designing Groupwork (RR4 post)
      5. Rethinking Schools (March 2 post)
      6. Final Exam (instructions to follow)
  5.  Classroom Attendance/Participation:  I am still having trouble getting everyone to leave comments on the weekly question. . .this collaborative piece is a part of your attendance/participation.   
    1. Also, if you missed/were excessively tardy a class and want to make up the points you lost: you may complete two more articles from the assignment in Reading Reflection 5. . .Ensure that you put the words "extra credit" after the blog post title.
  6. Final Exam - I will go over in class (something will be posted tomorrow)
  7. Directions to Coronado. . .I will post later tonight.
    Leave a comment to let me know you have read and understand what is expected by tomorrow evening!


    1. Thanks Jeff! See you tomorrow night!

    2. Were we supposed to do 2 management surveys? Other than that, I got it :)

    3. Thanks Jeff, See you in Coronado

    4. Thank you for the summary! I got it all! See you in Coronado!

    5. I got it, and I'm workin on it. Thanks! And see you tomorrow night.

    6. Still in the process of getting everything together. Hope I don't need to stay after school at Valley today to help out students.

    7. Im trying to wrap my head around it all. Thanks for listing it all out for us. I will see you guys in Coronado. RBV Baseball starts season today, wish us luck. Follow the score live at my blog if you'd like.

    8. Busy working away! Looking forward to tonight!

    9. Thanks for listing it out for us. See you in Coronado!

    10. Thanks Jeff! I will see you in Coronado

    11. Is this where I leave a comment?
